Tuesday, December 2, 2008

All about a bailout?

Yes, more on politics...

Our politicians current move towards a coalition govenment has in part been prompted by the conservative governments..lack of stimulus package for the economy?

Jack Layton (leader of the NDP)would say we need, 'to stimulate the badly ailing auto industry.' There is no doubt that loosing the auto industry would be......DEVASTATING, but there is very little evidence that this is the current problem.

Let's see.... is a bailout a good idea?


It wasn't more than a couple weeks ago that the big three auto makers got turned down for a bailout. They couldn't convince congress. Many economists say, a bailout won't help. .

"I think bankruptcy may be the only viable option," said Michael E. Levine, professor at New York University School of Law, "Basically, what you'd be doing is putting the money in a failed business model..."

Republican Senator Spencer Bachus, "My constituents do not understand why their tax dollars should go to support what they consider less efficient businesses," said Bachus, adding that most of his constituents earn less money than the autoworkers whose jobs would be saved.

Not only could the conservatives, not offer a bailout without a complete North American package (ie. the US being involved). It is unclear that it would be in the long term best interest of the country....regardless of the devestation it would in the short term cause. It is clear, coalition government or not, this is not about an economic stimulus package. It is about something. The thing that amazes me is that in the blaze of media and spin, we overlook the meaning of the banter that goes on.

Look at the heart of the matter.

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