Monday, December 22, 2008

Prince of Peace

Yesterday I spoke about Isaiah 9.6

It says, that the Messiah would be known as a Prince of Peace. I asked the question, "if that is true, shouldn't we be able to see it?'

This video captures photos from some amazing photographers who have taken photographs in the world's darkest times, and darkest places.


Monday, December 15, 2008

A Promised Land

So those that were at DEEPER know that brian heasley was asking for a farm.....THEY GOT IT. Follow the link to hear how.... for those with means (aka $$$) you may want to be a part of making a safe place for prostitutes and addicts in Ibiza. follow the link to see how...

congrat's Brian


"I am too proud to ask,
too broke to eat
too weak to bow
too strong to bleed."

you hooked yet? me too.

"can you sing over me words of comfort?
can you undo me enough to heal me?"

k. so buy this album. better than that DO THIS! Sit down, put what it really means to love Jesus to words and music. Don't hold back. The worship circle cd's are raw, authentic... I haven't listened to worship cd's since changed by your glory and kevin p.'s save us oh god, because of these i might start listening again..

"you take the weight from my shoulders
my hands were clenched, now they are open,
i'll take your goodness poured from the sky
food from the ravens...water from the dry well."
like any great worship, my soul is bigger deeper, wider because of these songs. more than that the worship circle folks are generous with their copyrights, music, and everything.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

advent ideas

So I have been searching for creative things about advent. ADVENT- You know that strange word for the 40 days before Christmas. It means, something....
In Latin, it actually means 'the coming' or 'before the coming' is the time we sit in darkness before....the BABY. (A little reminiscent of my life this year).

I actually like it just about as much as lent. I think it is probably the most important thing for us as Christians to remember and celebrate. Darkness, Longing, Hope, Despair, WAITING.....
Proost....a creative uk group has several things to engage churches. Including a snazzy litl' video I want to show at church.
Marshill has their congregation doing a community blog...
My personal favorites are still posts by Jonny Baker. Jonny just finished beer and carols....(man I can't believe I haven't met this guy). Search his links for advent...worship tricks 48-51
Jonny also lists some awesome ideas from Cheryl Lawrie, 'the pregnant pause' an idea that i stole.....with love. Cheryl has some advent services that are very creative and thoughtful.
If it takes all your faith to simply survive advent,join your prayer to those
throughout timeand throughout the worldwho despair at hope’s promise.
Take a baby,hold it in your hand
make your prayer of protestor your prayer for peace.
If you are looking for a video cause that is your thing, the church of england has put together a series of meditations you can watch every day......its called why we are waiting. It is also a great explanation of advent.
My Advent Addition: Last week I bought the youth candles. We had been talking about the word 'saved'. I made the connection between knowing you need something and WAITING. I told them to remember their need as they waited for a the they studied. Burn the little, fragile light and LONG FOR, and WAIT FOR IT.

Church Planting Thought #1

Now I have had a hard time distinguishing it is my pride, or my desire for progress that thinks things, especially churches should grow. I really like it when things grow. By growth I mean: numerically, in spiritual health-meaning broken people becoming healed, and in churches that plant churches. That seems healthy.

There are those that believe that what a church is-it is. If it is a church of 40 then that is it. I tend to think that there are reasons for it being a church of 40. Now let me be clear, a small church does not mean an unhealthy church. I am of the opinion the world needs more churches and different churches. BUT, the argument you often hear from small churches is.....well every church doesn't have to be a mega church. I tend to agree. Regardless, my observations would say, a church of 40 is unlikely to survive past 1 generation.

That means once the founding pastor resigns, that church will likely fold for a number of reasons. The leadership of a small church requires a greater burden on the pastor to be bivocational. A small church is not able to support a pastor. Secondly, a small church really gets built around the pastor and transitioning to a new leader is extremely difficult. Now a church closing, I have come to realize, is not the end of the world, but....

If a church wants to be around for successive generations needs to have a size of at least 100. Many say 150 is a 'critical mass'. Small churches if they are concerned about their community, about the people that depend on them, should be planning either grow, or be prepared to transition the community into a place where the long term care of the community can be provided aka. help them go elsewhere.

feel free to comment, this is about refining thoughts.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A little humour

If you have never checked out Dave Hayward, he is worth it both on the web and in life. I love this, it just reminds me that God is interested in presenting me perfect. Asking for His help is asking for my life to change.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

All about a bailout?

Yes, more on politics...

Our politicians current move towards a coalition govenment has in part been prompted by the conservative governments..lack of stimulus package for the economy?

Jack Layton (leader of the NDP)would say we need, 'to stimulate the badly ailing auto industry.' There is no doubt that loosing the auto industry would be......DEVASTATING, but there is very little evidence that this is the current problem.

Let's see.... is a bailout a good idea?


It wasn't more than a couple weeks ago that the big three auto makers got turned down for a bailout. They couldn't convince congress. Many economists say, a bailout won't help. .

"I think bankruptcy may be the only viable option," said Michael E. Levine, professor at New York University School of Law, "Basically, what you'd be doing is putting the money in a failed business model..."

Republican Senator Spencer Bachus, "My constituents do not understand why their tax dollars should go to support what they consider less efficient businesses," said Bachus, adding that most of his constituents earn less money than the autoworkers whose jobs would be saved.

Not only could the conservatives, not offer a bailout without a complete North American package (ie. the US being involved). It is unclear that it would be in the long term best interest of the country....regardless of the devestation it would in the short term cause. It is clear, coalition government or not, this is not about an economic stimulus package. It is about something. The thing that amazes me is that in the blaze of media and spin, we overlook the meaning of the banter that goes on.

Look at the heart of the matter.