Sunday, September 21, 2008

Put it on God's Tab

So, don't you think living beyond your means is irresponsible? At what point to finances dictate the will of God? I am so far from a prosperity gospel having lived for so many years 'doing' ministry. Reality is you need money to survive and you need to feed your family. Or do you?

I have been contemplating this as i have been trying to sell either or both of my vehicles. Crazy thing is I have been spiritualizing my prayers to God saying....'well you know I need to so help me!' You would think that I having lived now for many years exceeding my income for the sake of ministry would teach me. Every year being a miraculous endevour. A few years ago we literally had cheques dropped by our door every day for 2 weeks. Should I at this point doubt that God can provide?.......k i'm slow.
I recently filled out a survey for one of 'those' financial advisors. One of the questions was, 'how long can you feel comfortable with a negative income? one day, one week, one month......' I realized suddenly that I had an entirely different perspective on the subject than most people. In fact I was happy when i realized that I might actually be one of those crazy's who would sell everything.


If there is no money.......shouldn't i get the hint?
If we have exhausted all our options, maybe God is interested in a life change!!
So often we spiritualize when times are good about 'what would you do for god.' Happy to go home to our big screen TV's and our....microwave ovens (give me a break it just came to me). WE also FEEL like we throw out our faith when times are lean- because we gotta get a job, gotta feed our family. I think feeding our families might be spiritual.
Trouble is where do how can we tell when we are being spiritual and when we are just concerned about our cash?


Shelley said...

...being poor is not a virtue or a sign of a sold-out life...and being rich is not a sign of success or of selfishness...

...I don't think God cares which you are, he just cares that we keep asking for everything like little kids....

...If you have lots of money then likely as not you have no time, so you have to ask him for that. If you have lots of time you might not have lots of money, and so you have to ask him for that.

...just thoughts rattling about in my head...

Shelley said...

i forgot...whether it's money or time that you need - he is up for that.