Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Best Lent Ideas- Bound to FAIL!!!

K. So I am a huge lent fan. Lent is the 40 day period before easter when people are asked to choose something to give up in order to help them reflect on God 'his love and forgiveness'.
B.c. I participate also makes me a ......HUGE FAILURE.
Here are my altime worst Lent Ideas....Guaranteed to fail.
1. Coffee- fails because Lent is also roll up the rim to win time.....and you always think you may be missing a chance to win that great, new minivan.
2. Fasting- bread and water....called a prisoner fast. Leaves you on the toilet wishing you could extract that huge ball of dough from your small intestine. If you try this fast, bring a book!!
3. Exercise- if you can't get off the couch now. Lent won't help.
4. Sex- unless your wife is incompassitated, or on a long trip....40 days might seem like an eternity. On the other hand, some of us might not be giving up anything.
5. Packaging- I tried to do this one year as a way of exploring the environmental impact of packaging. This was an incredible failure, because it was so hard to eliminate. On the other hand, it was amazing to realize I how my society makes it almost impossible to live with conviction.
I have posted a link to marshill, who has a long explanation of lent for those that are interested.


Shelley said...

funny Rob. how about chocolate? that is a popular one at work. :)
Perhaps you should give up sleep this year, since you won't be getting any now anyway. :)

Seriously though, I would like to know more about why you give something up. The catholic thing is to 'participate in our own redemption' which I cannot buy. It is an insult actually and the epitome of what is wrong with us all...we are so arrogant.

Anyway, why do you give something up?

Rob Hall said...

Hey Shel,
I actually find lent the one thing that convinces me I cannot work my way to God. I always fail, and even my best sacrifice is not as pure as Jesus' for me. It produces great thankfulness in my soul.
I am not sure the general opinion of Lent in catholism, but I would think that we all participate in our own redemption....I think that is what 'sanctification' is. The process where-we in purpose with the holy spirit-choose to walk a 'new' way.
'they way people grow', a townsend book, talk about how we participate in disciplines to help us live in the way of Love. We are not born with great amounts of self discipline and in order to love God, and Love people, we need to learn.....Lent to me is part of the regular maintenance of that plan.

Shelley said...

hmm...that is interesting. I agree with what you say about sanctification, but in the literature I got from work (catholic) it is more connected to penance and earning our redemption in some small way by giving something up for we can become more worthy.

interesting that you do it to remind yourself that you will fail. I don't do it because I know I will fail, but I can see the value in your point of view.

julielewisandthenews said...

I gave up World of Warcrack a week ago. Not so much for Lent, but it just kinda coincides. I'm going crazy.