Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Middle Age

People tell me that 30 is the new 2o and that middle age is 65. Let me push back and say, ' who wants to chase kids around the playground at 5o?'- DAD or GRANDPA?- neither. There is a time of life for everything, and not all things in life can be done anytime. I have always been one who both is amazed at how much I have done in life AND how much I have missed. I am too old for the olympics, for climbing everest, for travelling without kids.....(maybe someday lord).

I know people who struggle to have kids because they have found that 40 is too old. Seniors who feel as lively as when they were 20, but can't walk or run because of health problems......


I have been observing lately that if you want to build something, a career, a house or a church. Do it while you are young. It is amazing to see that even those ol' guys with lots of life left hit 50 and something changes. The drive to do it in your 50's is not there. In your 50's you want to enjoy the fruit of your labour, tell someone else how to do it, or better yet....consult. Building is for your 30's maybe 40's so get a move on.... OLD MAN.

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