Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Black Fridays

Well, if the government can find the balls to bann urban pesticides, I suppose it might be time for me to make a small contribution to the environment. It actually isn't that I haven't, I really am not that extravagant a foot printer, although I do drive a Jeep.
In any case, I have decided to start a movement called black fridays, why black, because that is what my house will be on fridays. No lights, no electricity, nothing, hopefully no transportation either-total blackout!
It is funny because I can't tell if it is an environmental move or a financial one. I would love to have 1/7 less in expenses. So.....why not!
dare ya..


julielewisandthenews said...

Wow, Great idea!!

My computer would get a rest... maybe I'll mention this to Tim, he'll probably just laugh :)

Shelley said...

does the rule 'no computer on Sundays' count?

I hang my clothes on the line...

I recently figured out online, that for my kid to take the bus to work (instead of me driving her) it would take 2 hr. 4 min. on the bus and 26 min. of walking to get her there. approximately. hmmm...since it is actually only a 15-20 min. drive...I think not.

but did I mention we heat with wood, not fossil fuels?