Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Life at the Margins

There are very few churches I could work at for one simple reason....I like beer. I love to try new beers, old beers, and very old beers- especially Irish. I don't really drink cheap beers. I have drunk beer from the fount of all beers at St. James' Gate Dublin, at the factory of Guiness.

This might seem odd to you if you come from a church in which drinking is permissable. My grandparents who were members of the temperance movement until the day they died would roll in their graves with my beer loving confession. Faith and alcohol were diametrically opposed to them. My father, who is a well respected pastor theologically asserts drinking is not forbidden by scripture, is also astounded at my enthusiastic response to the drink that imperils so many- because he doesn't prefer it and it was never part of his social culture. Growing up in this environment meant I always was suspect of pubs, of alcohol and of people who enjoyed them. It was a great baptist friend and man of God who eventually saved me from my safe life.

See here is the thing......Having a beer is a the way I thank people for helping me, pubs provide a place for my neighbours to meet me, it is an excuse to go to the place people hang out. Beer and coffee are the universal communicators of hospitality. 'Come for coffee! We'll hang out.' It is part of the social reality of our culture. This means to not engage in it potentially alienates me from my neighbours, community and culture.
I really don't care what the issue is. A love of sports cars, dancing, music- these are part of life and need to be enjoyed. Imagine a life and a faith that is lived away from things that people find fun, enjoyable. Life would be pretty dull without chocolate, sailing, beautiful art, expensive watches etc. In fact, besides having a pickle up their backside, we would say people who avoided pleasure were dull, out of touch. Heaven forbid that this ever be the world's impression of the church. This is life in the middle. It is safe it is clean. This is the goal of many youth groups. Keep kids from trouble, provides an alternative and positive but safe example from the real world.

The reason I advocate life at the margins, and encourage people to drink and smoke, dance and have a pleasure filled life is this.....That by doing this you will set an example of life. Life free of addictions, a life with safe margins, but a life that also demonstrates your freedom in Christ. It also is a life that accurately depicts my theology. Theology means that I believe God says something I model. Is it dangerous-no it's freedom. Life at the margins is good for my soul. By living there I create common ground with people who need to discover authentic people of faith. Jesus was a smart partier. Living life in the middle may actually be teaching people to avoid their humanity, and enforce the ghetto subculture of people who are disconnected from their community, their mission and their own lives.

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