Heroes, sure I got heroes. People who have influenced me, who have said, done and been things that made my jaw drop, my herometer soar. If there were real hero cards I would hunt for these guys and brag about them on the school yard. Trade them.....very unlikely.
who are they, well typically regular joes like you and me. living amongst us, doing ordinary things....for the most part.
why am i reminded of them? why do i write this blog now? Well because one just died, another is undergoing chemo treatment. These people have enriched me, fed my dreams, changed me without even realizing it. Let me give you a glimpse at some of them.
David Brett- an evangelist, a new zealander, the guy who bought a castle because God said so, the guy who shows up unannounced here and there, the guy who taught me to clean windows to make money for missions, and to sell a car to buy plane tickets, the guy who let's light shine in China- who travels there still today even though he is undergoing cancer treatment. If ever you have a friend that met jesus on a plane...ask if they met David.
John Hutchison- who recently passed away. The first Brit I ever met and the first minister I ever knew who loved to see people healed, a mentor of Benny Hinn, and as i remember one of the best, deepest laughs of any who've I have had dinner with.
Telma Cajas- a courageous woman who leads the underpriveleged women of Guatemala, by loving them, helping them, hugging them one person at a time. Her words linger with me forever, ' without Jesus, there is no development.'
I have some new heroes too......
They are friends who take crazy risks for Jesus and sometimes succeed and sometimes don't.
Check out Todd Cantelon- a risk taker, producer, film maker, a fantastic preacher and he a makes a mean breakfast
Check out Rick Bergen- an amazon loving, church planting fanatic who is the real! DEAL! Currently he is developing a new church, mission, and ministry just upriver somewhere from where he was.
When in Zambia listen for Barry and Frida Ilunga- the most sincere, humble, church planters I ever met. Where will you find them? on some bus, on the back of a truck or walking through some village planting a church, usually with one of their 10 kids.
Is it idol worship to participate in such praise of men? No, this is simply sharing the news of God's greatness. Like it says in the bible 'i have heard of your fame.' Great things are worth talking about. Men are just men, but their pursuit of God inspires me, fuels me, causes my mere mortality to shake for fear and my dreams to become large--Large enough to even suppose and even believe that God could use EVEN little ol' me.